
gpsim native WIN32 port

gpsim - The gnupic simulator, a simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollers.


This document describes how to compile and install gpsim on WIN32 platforms.

Gpsim can be compiled in a CLI - command line interface mode (no gui), or in GUI - graphical user interface mode.

Which tools are required, where to get them

Native WIN32 gpsim port can be compiled with

or with

Some additional GNU tools are required to build gpsim:

The recommended installation for bison, flex and gawk is from Cygwin environment. The other possibility is to use nativeWIN32 ports of bison, flex and gawk, which are part of UnxUtils project and GnuWin32 project.

Cygwin environment is required (or at least recommended) for WIN32 native compilation of additional packages.

How to set up development environment for WIN32 port of gpsim

Cygwin installation:

In the Devel Category select bison, flex, gawk, make, gcc, gcc-g++, mingw-gcc-core, mingw-gcc-g++, mingw-binutils, mingw-w32api, mingw-runtime packages.
You have to have C:\cygwin\bin specified in the PATH environment variable.

Which additional packages are required, where to get them, how to to install them

Common packages used by CLI (supported only by Visual Studio compilation) and GUI:

The CLI and GUI WIN32 versions of gpsim require 2 common packages: popt and glib.


The GUI WIN32 version of gpsim requires the following additional packages, in addition to packages mentioned in the CLI section:

The WIN32 ports of following packages are a part of The GTK+ Project. The latest version of developer, runtime and source packages can be found at GTK+ - Download for Windows.

Setting up the development environment

CLI (supported only by Visual Studio compilation):


+- gpsim
+- readline
+- popt
+- popt-1.8.1
+- glib
+- gtk+
+- pango
+- atk
+- gdk-pixbuf
+- cairo
+- fontconfig
+- gtkextra-2
+- pthreads (for modules).

Setting up the runtime




gpsimWin32 snapshot builds

gpsimWin32 snapshot builds can be found at

Document status

If you have questions / comments / other experiences about WIN32 gpsim port, post them to the gnupic mailing list:

Package versions

Packages from GnuWin32 project:

Packages from GTK+ - Download for Windows:

Other packages:

OldCigarettes Windows 2000 XP API Wrapper Pack (OCW):

Last update: $Date: 2013-08-16 13:39:26 +0200 (Fri, 16 Aug 2013) $ by Borut Ražem

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